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What is a Direct Speech?

In a Direct Speech, the speaker‘s own words are quoted without making any change.

For example: Ravi said, ―Mohit has gone to Delhi.‖

What is an Indirect Speech?

In an Indirect Speech, the essence of the Speaker‘s words is given.

For Example: Ravi said that Mohit had gone to Delhi.

Some Important Points

1. In a Direct Speech-

(a) The Speaker‘s actual words are placed within inverted commas (―).

(b) His actual words start with a capital letter.

(c) There is a comma after the reporting verb.

(d) At the end of his actual words, a full stop or a question mark or a sign of exclamation is put according to the need of the sentence.

(e) The tense of the speaker‘s words remains the same.

2. In an Indirect Speech-

(a) Inverted commas are not used.

(b) Only the first letter of the sentence starts with a capital letter.

(c) There is no comma after the reporting verb.

(d) Conjunctions like that, to, if/whether are used to link the reporting verb and the reported speech.

(e) At the end of the sentence, only a full stop is put. Question marks are not allowed.

(f) The tense of the speaker‘s words undergoes a change.

Note: If the speaker‘s words express a habitual action, a universal truth, a scientific statement, a proverb or a permanent truth, the tense of the speaker‘s words remain the same.

Changing Direct Speech into Indirect Speech

1. Tense And Verb Forms

(a) Simple Present-Simple Past

Direct: Rahul said to me, ―I am your friend.‖

Indirect: Rahul told me that he was my friend.

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(c) Present Continuous-Past Continuous

Direct: Rahul said, ―I am playing.‖

Indirect: Rahul said that he was playing.

(d) Present Perfect- Past Perfect

Direct: Rahul said, ―I Have done my work.‖

Indirect: Rahul said that he had done his work.

(e) Present Perfect Continuous – Past Perfect Continuous

Direct: Rahul said, ―I have been playing since morning.‖

Indirect: Rahul said that he had been playing since morning.

(f) Simple Past – Past perfect

Direct: Rahul said, ―I did my work.‖

Indirect: Rahul said that he had done his work.

(g) Past Continuous- Past perfect Continuous

Direct: Rahul said, ―I was doing my work.‖

Indirect: Rahul said that he had been doing his work.

2. Change of Time, Place

Words showing nearness of time and place change into words showing distance, time and place.






Today-that day

Tomorrow- the following day/the next day

Yesterday-the previous day/ the day before

Last night- the previous night

Last week- the previous week

Will- would



3. Change of Pronouns

S - First person according to subject

O - Second person according to object.

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N - Third person no change.

4. Change of Different Kinds of Sentences

(a) Questions

(I) „Wh‟ questions: The questions beginning with which, when, where, why, how, whose, etc. do not need any conjunction.

For example,

He said to me, ―which book were you reading last night?‖ (Direct)

He asked me which book I had been reading the previous night. (Indirect)

(II) Yes/No questions: The question that begin with helping verbs like is, am, are, was, were, will, shall, do, does, it, has, have, had, etc., that the conjunction ‗if or ‗whether‘.

For example,

The teacher said to children, ―Have you finished your work?‖ (Direct)

The teacher asked the children if they had finished their work. (Indirect)

(b) Commands:

(i) The imperative sentences or commands take the conjunction ‗to‘.

(ii) The reporting verb ‗said‘ or ‗said to‘ changes into ordered, commanded, advised or requested.

For example:

The doctor said to the patient, ―Take this tablet daily.‖ (Direct)

The doctor advised to patient to take that tablet daily. (Indirect)

The master said to the servant, ―Bring me a glass of milk.‖ (Direct)

The master ordered the servant to bring him a glass of milk. (Indirect)

(c) Exclamations:

(i) The reporting verb ‗said‘ is changed into exclaimed, exclaimed with joy exclaimed with sorrow, exclaimed with wonder, wished or prayed etc.

(ii) The conjunction ‗that‘ is used to introduce the reported speech.

For example,

He said, ―What a beautiful painting!‖(Direct)

He exclaimed with wonder that it was a beautiful painting. (Indirect)

The boys said, ―Hurrah! We have won the match.‖(Direct)

The boys exclaimed with joy that they had won the match. (Indirect)

(d) Sentences beginning with “Let”:

(i) The man said to the servant, ―let the children play.‖ (Direct)

The man asked the servant to let the children play. (Indirect)

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(ii) She said to her friend, ―Let us go for a picnic.‖ (Direct)

She proposed to her friends that they should go for picnic. (Indirect)

(iii) The Principal said to the peon, ―Don‘t let the children enter my study.‖ (Direct)

The Principal ordered the peon not to let the children enter his study. (Indirect)

Solved Example

Read the conversation below and complete the report that follows.

Lady: What a beautiful painting! Is it for sale?

Shopkeeper: No, ma‘am. This painting is not for sale.

The lady exclaimed with appreciation (a)………………… and inquired the shopkeeper (b) ……………….. . The shopkeeper answered in the negative informing the lady that(c)…………….


(a) that was a beautiful painting

(b) if that was for sale

(c) that painting was not for sale

Practice Questions

1. Rearrange the following sentences to make meaningful sentences.

(a) Friends/Archie/movie/the/asked his / what / of they / thought/

(b) preferred/said/book/had/the/his/friend/he

(c) his/was/same/Ram/answer//always/said/the

2. Read the dialogue given below an report it by filling in the blanks

Traffic police: You are going too fast. You have exceeded the speed limit.

Reena: I am late for my work. Please let me go this time.

Traffic Police: Don‘t worry. You have to report at the Police Station only tomorrow.

The Traffic Police stopped Reena and told her that she was going very fast and that she (a) ………..……… ………………………Reena pleaded with the policemen and said that (b) ………………… the traffic Police asked her not to worry and said that (c)……………… ………………………………………… .


I. Choose the correct indirect form of the given sentences. (1X5=5 M)

(i) The teacher said, ”Don’t move, boys”.

a) The teacher told the boys don’t move.

b) The teacher asked the boys not to be moving.

c) The teacher asked the boys not to move.

d) The teacher told to them, don’t move.

(ii) Neera says, “I go for a walk every morning”.

a) Neera said that she goes for a walk every morning.

b) Neera says that she goes for a walk every morning.

c) Neera says that I go for a walk every morning.

d) Neera said that she went for a walk every morning.

(iii) I asked the shopkeeper, “What is the price of this bike?”

a) I asked the shopkeeper that what the price of this bike was.

b) I asked the shopkeeper what is a price of this bike.

c) I asked the shopkeeper what was the price of that bike.

d) I asked the shopkeeper what the price of that bike was.

(iv) Alas! “I have broken my father's watch”, said Ankit.

a) Ankit was sorrowful that he broke his father's watch.

b) Ankit exclaimed sorrowfully that he had broken his father's watch.

c) Ankit exclaimed sorrowfully that he has broken his father's watch.

d) Ankit was sorry of that he had broken his father's watch. (v) A nurse said, "He is sleeping, please do not disturb him." a) A nurse informed that he was sleeping and requested not to disturb him. b) A nurse said that he slept requested do not disturb him. c) A nurse informed that he had sleeping requested did not disturb him. d) A nurse said that he is sleeping requested do not disturb him.

II. Choose the option which suits best in place of the word written in bold. (1X5=5 M)

(i) Hera said that she is reading a book.

(a) is coming

(b) was reading

(c) has been reading

(d) may read

(ii) I met him years ago before we became neighbours.

(a) meet

(b) had met

(c) will meet

(d) won’t meet

(iii) I asked him when you are coming to India.

(a) he is

(b) he was

(c) he had been

(d) you were

(iv) Sanaya asked me where did I go.

(a) I did go

(b) I had gone

(c) I go

(d) I were going

v) Rajam asked me what I was reading yesterday.

(a) the next day

(b) that day

(c) the previous day

(d) today

III. Change the following commands into requests: (1X5=5 M)

(i) Bring the book to me.

a) I want that book.

b) Bring the book here.

c) Bring the book to me kindly.

d) Kindly bring the book to me.

(ii) Take a seat.

a) Do take a seat.

b) Take a seat, ok.

c) Sorry, take a seat please.

d) Don’t take a seat.

(iii) Bring me a glass of water.

a) Could you please bring me a glass of water?.

b) Bring me a glass of water, please.

c) Both a & b

d) None of the above

(iv) Be quiet

a) Please be quiet

b) Quiet

c) Both a & b

d) None of the above

(v) Don’t ever speak to me like that again.

a) Don’t speak to me like that again.

b) Please don’t speak to me.

c) Please don’t speak to me like that again.

d) All of the above

IV. Change the following requests into commands: (1X5=5 M)

(i) Please grant me a wish.

a) Grant me a wish.

b) You should grant me a wish.

c) I want a wish.

d) All of the above

(ii) Kindly allow me to talk.

a) Let me talk.

b) Allow me talking.

c) I will talk.

d) I will speak.

(iii) How about giving your laptop, please?

a) I want your laptop.

b) Laptop please.

c) Both a & b

d) Give me your laptop.

(iv) Do you think you could lend me some money?

a) Lend me some money.

b) You should lend me money.

c) I want some money.

d) None of the above

(v) Please remain seated until the seatbelt sign is off.

a) Keep seated until the seatbelt sign is off.

b) Remain seated until the seatbelt sign is off.

c) Please sit until the seatbelt sign is off.

d) Please remain seated until the seatbelt sign is off.

V. Change the following statements into questions: (1X5=5 M)

(i) He will be late for school today.

a) Would he be late for school today?

b) Will he be late for school today?

c) Had he been late for school today?

d) Will he been late for school today?

(iii) J.K.Rowling is her favourite writer.

a) Was J.K.Rowling her favourite writer?

b) Is J.K.Rowling her favourite writer?

c) Has J.K.Rowling her favourite writer?

d) If J.K.Rowling her favourite writer?

(iv) They have accepted the invitation?

a) Have they accepted the invitation?

b) Had they accepted the invitation?

c) Did they accepted the invitation?

d) Had they accept the invitation?

(v) His aunty will be coming to stay with him next week.

a) Is his aunty be coming to stay with him next week?

b) Shall his aunty be coming to stay with him next week?

c) Will his aunty be coming to stay with him next week?

d) Did his aunty be coming to stay with him next week?

(iv) Why to waste time in useless activities?

a) It has extremely foolish to waste time in useless activities.

b) It was extremely foolish to waste time in useless activities.

c) It were extremely foolish to waste time in useless activities.

d) It is extremely foolish to waste time in useless activities.

(v) Aren’t the houses in the villages smaller than those in the cities?

a) The houses in the villages were smaller than those in the cities.

b) The houses in the villages are smaller than those in the cities.

c) The houses in the villages have been smaller than those in the cities.

d) The houses in the villages had been smaller than those in the cities.



ANSWERS (i) c (ii) a (iii) d (iv) b (v) a

Ans: c Explanation/Tips: Reporting verb asked to be used as it is an instruction.

Ans: a Explanation/Tips: Reporting verb said is used. Since she is singular use ‘goes’ in the verb form. 

Ans: d Explanation/Tips: This type of question is reported by using 'ask' (or another verb like 'ask') + question word + clause. The clause contains the question, in normal word order and with the necessary tense change.” So as per rule “What is the price of this bike” is changed to “what the price of that bike was.”

Ans: b Explanation/Tips: Reporting verb exclaimed is used as the sentence starts with exclamation Alas!. While reporting present perfect tense is to be changed into past perfect tense. 

Ans: a Explanation/Tips: Reporting verb informed is used as it is a piece of information by the nurse. While changing into indirect speech, here present continuous tense is changed into past continuous tense.


ANSWERS- (i) b (ii) b (iii) b (iv) b (v) c


Ans: b Explanation/Tips: Since the question is in indirect form past continuous tense is to be used instead of present continuous tense. 

Ans: b Explanation/Tips: Past perfect tense to be used.This tense indicates that something changed or was added after the action took place.

Ans: b Explanation/Tips: Since the question is in indirect form past tense is to be used instead of present tense.

Ans: b Explanation/Tips: Since the question is in indirect form past perfect tense is to be used instead of past tense form.

Ans: c Explanation/Tips: As per the rule of reporting yesterday becomes the previous day.


ANSWERS- (i) d (ii) a (iii) c (iv) a (v) c

Ans: d Explanation/Tips: Since command is changed into request, search for cordial words like please, kindly etc in the answer. Structurality of the sentence should also be kept in check.

Ans: a Explanation/Tips: Since command is changed into request, search for cordial words like please, kindly etc in the answer. Structurality of the sentence should also be kept in check.

Ans: c Explanation/Tips: Since command is changed into request, search for cordial words like please, kindly etc in the answer. Structurality of the sentence should also be kept in check.

Ans: a Explanation/Tips: Since command is changed into request, search for cordial words like please, kindly etc in the answer. Structurality of the sentence should also be kept in check.

Ans: c Explanation/Tips: Since command is changed into request, search for cordial words like please, kindly etc in the answer. Structurality of the sentence should also be kept in check.


ANSWERS- (i) a (ii) a (iii) d (iv) a (v) b

Ans: a Explanation/Tips: Since request is changed into command, excuse cordial words like please, kindly etc in the answer. Structurality of the sentence should also be kept in check.

Ans: a Explanation/Tips: Since request is changed into command, excuse cordial words like please, kindly etc in the answer. Structurality of the sentence should also be kept in check.

Ans: d Explanation/Tips: Since request is changed into command, excuse cordial words like please, kindly etc in the answer. Structurality of the sentence should also be kept in check.

Ans: a Explanation/Tips: Since request is changed into command, excuse cordial words like please, kindly etc in the answer. Structurality of the sentence should also be kept in check.

Ans: b Explanation/Tips: Since request is changed into command, excuse cordial words like please, kindly etc in the answer. Structurality of the sentence should also be kept in check.


ANSWERS- (i) b (ii) a (iii) b (iv) a (v) c

Ans: b Explanation/Tips: In order to convert a statement into a question you need to put the verb at the beginning of a sentence and add a question mark at the end. Sometimes the verb may have to be changed and an additional word added. 

Ans: a Explanation/Tips: In order to convert a statement into a question you need to put the verb at the beginning of a sentence and add a question mark at the end. Sometimes the verb may have to be changed and an additional word added. Since the auxiliary verb did is coming in the answer it should be followed by verb form without s (examine).

 Ans: b Explanation/Tips: In order to convert a statement into a question you need to put the verb at the beginning of a sentence and add a question mark at the end. 

Ans: a Explanation/Tips: In order to convert a statement into a question you need to put the verb at the beginning of a sentence and add a question mark at the end.

 Ans: c Explanation/Tips: In order to convert a statement into a question you need to put the verb at the beginning of a sentence and add a question mark at the end.

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