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 Extract 1. The moon was coming ……………………………………….. big city in front of me.

1.How was the weather when the pilot started flying aeroplane?

    (a) cloudy (b) clear (c) foggy

2. The pilot was returning from _____

    (a) England to France. (b) France to England. (c) New york to Paris.

3. From which lesson has this text been taken?

    (a) A letter to God (b) His first Flight (c) Black Aeroplane Extract

Ans. 1-b, 2-b, 3-c,

OPTIONAL - 1. Why was the aeroplane twisting in the air?

    (a)due to storm (b) due to night (c) due to lightning (d) due to rain

2. Why did the pilot call Paris control?

    (a) to know about air traffic (b) for landing (c) for direction (d) for fuel

3. The pilot was not able to------ anything.

    (a)speak (b) see (c) hear (d) all of these

4. Which instrument of plane stopped working first?

    (a) radio (b) compass (c) speedometer (d) engine

5. What risk did the pilot take?

    (a) flying into storm (b) flying back to Paris

    (c) missing the breakfast (d) He took no risk.

6. Which control station did the pilot contact on his way back?

    (a) London (b) Delhi (c) Paris (d) Munich

7. The pilot was flying from-----to ----.

    (a) England, Paris (b) France, England (c) France, India (d) India, France

8. Who is the author of ‘The Black Aeroplane’?

    (a) Gavin Maxwell (b) Anne Frank (c) Frederick Forsyth (d) Eleanor Estes

9. What looked like black mountains?

    (a) tall buildings (b) black hillock (c) storm clouds (d) none of these

10. How far was pilot from Paris when he saw black clouds?

    (a) 100km (b) 150 km (c)50 km (d) 200 km

11. In which direction did he follow the black aeroplane?

    (a) North (b) East (c) West (d) South

12. What was the name of the plane flown by the pilot?

    (a) Airbus (b) Dakota (c) Boeing (d) None

13. The woman at the control tower confirmed that-------

    (a) There was no other plane. (b) There was no difficulty.

    (c) There was no signal. (d) The radio was dead.

14. The woman in the control centre looked at the narrator …………..

    (a) angrily (b) strangely © happily (d) joyfully

Ans. 1-a, 2-c, 3-b, 4-b, 5-a, 6-c, 7-b, 8-c, 9-c, 10-b, 11-a, 12-b, 13-a,

Questions and Answers

Ques. 2- 1. "I'll take the risk". What is the risk ? Why does the narrator take it?

    Ans. The risk is to fly the old Dakota straight through the storm.

2. Describe the narrator's experience as he flew the aeroplane into the storm.

    Ans. As the pilot entered the storm, his plan started jumping. He could not see anything outside the plane. It was a terrible and fearsome experience for him.

3. Why does the narrator say "I landed and was not sorry to walk away from the old Dakota?"

    Ans. Though he had landed safely. The plane had dreadful memories for the narrator. So, for that time, at least, he was glad to go away from the plane.

4. What made the woman in the control centre look at the narrator strangely?

    Ans. The woman in the control centre looked at the narrator strangely because the narrator asked her about the black aeroplane and she saw no one except the narrator's plan in the radar.

5. Who helped the narrator in the safe landing and how?

    Ans. The pilot of Dakota-088 landed safely because of a ghost aeroplane which suddenly appeared before the pilot in those dark clouds. It guided the pilot of the Dakota-088 safely.

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