Write a paragraph on any one of the following topics.
1. Importance of English
2. Importance of Trees
3. Covid-19
4. Online education
'Importance of saving tree'
Trees are the best gift of nature for us. They make the environment beautiful and clean. Water and sunlight are very important to help trees grow. Human beings get food from trees. Trees also give us wood and shade. Houses, chairs and toys are made from wood we receive from trees.
Trees can be called the best friend to mankind. Many animals get their food from leaves, vegetables and fruits grown on trees. the number of trees that can be cut daily. People in urban as well as rural areas need to be educated about the dire effects of deforestation and most importantly citizens need to take responsibility and accountability for their own selves, if not for the future of their race. They also live near the shadow of trees. We should stop cutting trees to save nature. Children and adults need to plant more trees and teach each other to stop causing harm to nature. One tree can save many lives.