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LESSON - 2 Nelson Mandela Long Walk to Freedom By - Nelson Mandela

Extract - 1. TENTH May dawned …………………………………… non-racial government.

Ques. 1. From which lesson has this text been taken?

    (a) A letter to God (b) His first Flight (c) Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom the above text, ‘I’ refers to ____ 

    (a) G.L Fuentes (b) Anup Kumar Datta (c) Nelson Mandela

3. The ceremony took place in ________ 

    (a) Pretoria (b) Johannesburg (c) Durban

Ans. 1-c, 2-c, 3-a,

Extract 2. I knew that the oppressor ………………………………. robbed of their humanity.


1.Who is the writer of the lesson from which this text has been taken?

    (a) G.L Fuentes (b)Anup Kumar Datta (c) Nelson Mandela

2. A man who takes away another man’s freedom is _____                

    (a) a prisoner of superiority (b) a prisoner of self-value (c) a prisoner of hatred

3. Find out the word from the above text which is opposite of the word ‘wide’ ?

    (a) liberated (b)narrow (c) robbed Extract

Ans. 1-c, 2-c, 3-b,

Optional - 1. According to Nelson Mandela, what is courage?

    (a)triumph over love (b) triumph over fear

    (c) triumph over poverty (d) triumph over selfishness

2.According to Nelson Mandela, what is a country’s greatest wealth?

    (a) its mineral (b)its people (c)its traditions (d) its forests

3. Which party did Mandela join?

    (a)National African party (b) Indian National Congress

    (c)Universal party (d) African National Congress

4. How many deputy presidents were elected?

    (a) two (b) three (c) one (d) none

5. What change brought international leaders to South Africa?

    (a) humanity (b)end of Apartheid (c) peace (d) trade

6. Whom did Mandela want to thank?

    (a) his family (b) military (c) patriots (d) rulers

7.What does depths of oppression create?

    (a) poverty (b) richness (c) heights of character (d) freedom

8. Aman who takes away freedom of another man is-----

    (a) rude (b)a prisoner of hatred (c) criminal (d) innocent

9. According to Mandela, what comes naturally to heart?

    (a) hatred (b) love (c) discrimination (d) unity

10. Which flame can never be extinguished?

    (a) man’s love (b) man’s hatred (c) man’s goodness (d) none of these

11. The spectacular array of South African jets was displayed by------

    (a) military (b)crowd (c) leaders (d) villagers

12. Nelson Mandela was accompanied by-------

    (a) his aunt (b) his daughter (c) his mother-in-law (d) his sister

13. Who was daughter of Nelson Mandela?

    (a) Nancy (b) Maria (c) Zenani (d) Lucy

Ans. 1-b, 2-, 3-d, 4-a, 5-b, 6-c, 7-c, 8-b, 9-b, 10-c, 11-a, 12-b, 13-c,

Questions. - 

1. Where did the ceremonies take place? Name any public buildings in India that are made of sandstone?

    Ans. The ceremonies took place in the campus of the Union Building of Pretoria. In India; Rashtrapati Bhavan and Red Fort are buildings made of red sandstone.

2. Can you say how 10 May is an 'autumn day' in South Africa?

    Ans. 10th May is an 'autumn day' in South Africa because of weather and the dawning of freedom after 300 years.

3. What does Mandela thank the international leaders for ?

    Ans. Mandela thanks the international leaders for coming to take possession with the native people of South Africa.

4. What ideals does he set out for the future of South Africa?

    Ans. Nelson Mandela set the ideals of liberating people from bondage of poverty, deprivation and discrimination.

5. What do the military generals do? How has their attitude changed and why ?

    Ans. The military generals salute Nelson Mandela. Their attitude has changed because South Africa is now a country of democratic, non-racial government.

6. Why were the two national anthems sung?

    Ans. The two national anthems were sung to show the feelings of unity and integrity among the blacks and the whites.

7. What does courage mean to Mandela?

    Ans. According to Mandela, courage is victory over fear.

8. What twin obligations does Mandela mention?

    Ans. The first obligation is to his family, parents, wife and children. The second obligation is to his people, community and country.

9. How did Mandela's understanding of freedom change with age and experience?

    Ans. First Mandela thought of personal freedom like doing what one liked. But as he grew up he thought of freedom for all his own people more important than anything else.

10. How did Mandela's 'hunger for freedom' change his life?

    Ans. When he saw the oppression of the Black under the apartheid rule, his life was changed. Hunger of his people for dignity and respect brought the change.

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