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Ques. 1. How did Mr. Pumphrey and her servant behave when Tricki was being sent to the Surgery?

    Ans. When Tricki was about to be hospitalised Mrs Pumphrey felt very sad. She had tears in her eyes. Her servant was also anxious.

2. Why was Dr. Herriot confident that Tricki will be in hospital soon?

Ans. Dr. Harriot was confident as Tricki was unhealthy.

3. What suggestions were given by Dr. Herriot to Mrs. Pumphrey at the initial stage?

Ans. Dr. Herriot suggested Mrs. Pumphrey to cut down Tricki's food and made him do some exercise.

4. Why was the narrator shocked at Tricki's appearance?

Ans. The narrator was shocked at Tricki's appearance because Tricky was grossly overweight and could not run.

5. Why was Dr. Herriot worried about Tricki?

Ans. Tricki was in bad shape and unhealthy.

6. In the end of the lesson, Mrs. Pumphery says "This is a triumph of surgery." Why?

Ans. Mrs. Pumphery thinks that the dog's recovery is " a triumph of surgery" because in two weeks Tricki had recovered completely and had been transformed into a hard-muscled animal.

7. Distinguish between Mrs. Pumphrey's method and Mr. Herriot's method in looking after the dog. Whose method could be regarded the better of the two and why?

Ans. Mrs. Pumphrey loved Tricki. When she found that Tricki was no more active and energetic. She tried to give more nutrients in his food. In fact, Tricki was not suffering from any disease. Mr. Herriot found out the main cause of his oilments. Mr. Herriot gave him a controlled diet and stressed on exercise.

So Mr. Herriot method could be regarded better of two as he understood the cause and remedly of the disease.

8. Was Tricki also to be blamed in more ways than one ? How?

Ans. Tricki was a greedy dog who wanted to eat anything and everything at any hour of the day or night. He never believed in going for walks and doing exercise. So he was also to be blamed for his present condition.

 9. What treatment was given to Tricki by Dr. Herriot?

Ans. Dr. Herriot cuts down his food intake and keeps him under strict observation for the initial days at hospital. He gradually increases Tricki's food and sets him free for physical activities to improve his health.

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