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Chapter 9 The Bond of Love


Beehive Chapter-9 The Bond of Love Questions and Answers

Thinking about the text

(Page 119)

Q1. Given in the box are some headings. Find the relevant paragraphs in the text to match the headings.

An Orphaned Cub; Bruno’s Food-chart; An Accidental Case of Poisoning; Playful Baba; Pain of Separation; Joy of Reunion; A Request to the Zoo; An Island in the Courtyard.

Ans: II. Answer the following question:

1. “I got him for her by accident”:

(I)  Who said this?
(II) Who do ‘him’ and ‘her’ refer to?
(III) What is the incident referred to here?

Ans: (I) The author says this line.
(II) ‘Him’ refer to ‘baby bear’ and ‘her’ refer to ‘Auther’s wife’.
(III) The incident refers to the catching of a baby bear.

2. “He stood on his head in delight”.
(I) Who does ‘he’ refer to?
(II) Why was he delighted?

Ans: (I)  refer to the baby bears.
(II)  he was delighted to see the authors wife.

3. “We all missed him greatly: but in a sense, we were relieved”:

(I) Who does ‘we all’ stand for?
(II) Who did they miss?
(III) Why did they nevertheless feel relieved?

Ans: (I)  we all refer to the author, his wife, and his son.
(II) the whole family miss the baby bear.
(III)  they felt relieved because it was becoming very difficult to take care of at home.

III. Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 words each:

1. On two occasions Bruno ate/drank something that should not be eaten/ drunk. what happened to him on these occasions?

Ans: Once a day  Bruno eats barium carbonate which was kept to kill the rat and Mice.  because of the barium carbonate, he could not stand on his feet.  on other occasions, he drank engine oil it had no ill effect on him.

2.  Was Bruno a lovely and playful pet? Why, then, did have all to do sent away?

Ans: Bruno was a lovely and playful pat but to the increasing size of Bruno they do not live in the houses so he had to be shifted to a Zoo.

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