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Modals:- Modal षब्द अंग्रेजी के mood षब्द से बना है। Mood का अर्थ, मनोभाव या मानसिक दषा होता है। ये सहायक क्रियाये होते है। अतः वे Helping verb जो वक्ता के मनोभाव को प्रकट करते हैं, Modal कहलाते है।

Modals की विषेषताए:- i. Modals कभी-भी अकेले नही आते है ये सदैव main verb के साथ प्रयुक्त होते है ये वास्तव में Helping verb होते है। ii. Modals के बाद हमेषा verb की 1st form का प्रयोग होता हैं।

1. Can :-  can का प्रयोग षक्ति, सामर्थ्य, क्षमता व योग्यता के भाव के लिए किया जाता है।

-able (योग्य) Ability (योग्यता), Capacity- क्षमता Power शक्ति strength- शक्ति,

Most informal request सर्वाधिक अनौपचारिक निवेदन

Examples :-

(i) I can do this work easily (capacity)

(ii) He can run fast.

(iii) My grandmother is over sixty, but she can still read without glasses.


2. Can not  का प्रयोग can के नकारात्मक रूप में होता है।

Not allowed to (आज्ञा नही) Not permitted to (अनुमति नहीं)


(i) Pakistan can not attack India.

(ii) This is examination room so you can not use mobile here.


3. Could:- can  के past रूप में could का प्रयोग होता है। यदि वाक्य past tense में दिया हो

Past able, past ability, past capacity, past power, past strength.
Polite request (विन्रम विवेदन ) के लिए could का प्रयोग किया जाता है ( यदि जिस व्यक्ति से निवदेन किया जा रहा है उसका उस वस्तु पर अधिकार हो)


(i) I could do this work. (post capacity)

(ii) I could buy a car because I was rech.

(iii) Could I take your pen? ( polite request)

(iv) Could you help me, please.


4. May:- may का प्रयोग सम्भावना, षुभकामनाओ, आषिशर्वाद, अनुमति देने या लेने के लिए किया जाता है।

& Possible (सम्भव), Possibility (सम्भावना),allowed((आज्ञा देना), permission(vuqefr), wish(षुभकामना), bless(आषीर्वाद ), formal permission(औपचारिक vuqefr), likehood(सम्भावना)


i. He may win this match. (Possibility)

ii. May you live long life.(bless)

iii. May I come in, sir? (formal permission)


* षर्त वाले वाक्यो मे so that के साथ वर्तमान काल मे may का प्रयोग किया जाता है।


(i). She is working hard so the she may get good marks.

(ii). There are clouds in the sky. So, it may rain today.


5.May not:- may not का प्रयोग No formal permission (औपचारिक अनुमति नही) के अर्थ मे किया जाता है।

Example:- No, you may not come in. [No formal permission]


6.Might:- का past |रूप होता है । might का प्रयोग क्षीण सम्भावना के लिए किया जाता gSA past possibility, Remote possibility(क्षीण सम्भावना)


(i). There are not clouds in the sky. So it might rain today.

ii. He is very poor students, he might pass.


7. Must:- Must का प्रयोग बाध्यता अनिवार्यता, आवष्यकता, मजबूरी व आदेष आदि को व्यक्त करने के लिए किया जाता है।

– Obligation (बाध्यता), necessary (आवष्यक), necessity (आवष्यकता), compulsory (अनिवार्य),compulsion (मजबूरी ) certain (निष्चित), sure (निष्चित) determine(निष्चित करना),mandatory(अनिवार्यता),order (आदेष)

Examples:- (i)Student must come in uniform.

(ii)Soldiers must follow the order of the officer.


8. Must not:- must not का प्रयोग निषेध के लिए किया जाता है।

& Prohibition (निषेध ), not allowed(आज्ञा नही देना), forbade(मना करना), not compulsory(अनिवार्य नही)


(i).you have T.B. you must not smoke.

(ii).You must not walk in the middle of the road.


9. Would:- would का प्रयोग विनम्र निवेदन, भूतकालीन आदत के लिए किया जाता है। इसका प्रयोग will के past रूप में भी होता है।

& polite request( साधारण विनम्र निवेदन), please,kindly(दयालुता सेs), past habit(past habitual and repeated actions(भूतकालीन आदत)


(i) I would swim in my childhood.

(ii)You would tell me about my child.


10. Should:- should का प्रयोग सलाह, सुझाव व कर्तव्य वाले वाक्यों में होता है। इसका प्रयोग shall के past रूप में भी होता है।

— advice(सलाह), suggestion (सुझाव), moral duty (नैतिक कर्तव्य), moral obligation(नैतिक बाध्यता)


(i).You should obey your parents.

(ii).He should welcome his guest.


11. Ought to:- ought to का प्रयोग सलाह, सुझाव व कर्तव्य वाले वाक्यो मे होता है।

— advice(सलाह), suggestion (सुझाव), moral duty (नैतिक कर्तव्य), moral obligation(नैतिक बाध्यता)

Note:- यदि दिए हुए रिक्त स्थान के अन्त मे to दिया हो तो का ought प्रयोग करेंगे अन्यथा should

का प्रयोग करेंगे।

Golden Rule:- अगर वाक्य मे रिक्त स्थान के तुरंत बाद to दिया हो तो का ought to प्रयोग करेंगे।


(i)You ought to obey your parents.

(ii)He ought to welcome his guest.


12. Will:- will मॉडल के रूप मे 'अवष्य' का भाव देता है। इसका प्रयोग वादा, धमकी आदि के अर्थ मे Future tense मे I व we के साथ किया जाता है।

- Promise (वादा), Threat ( धमकी)


(i)We will do this work in favour of you.( Promise)

(ii)I will kill you, if you punish me. (threat)


13. Shall:-shall मॉडल के रूप मे 'अवष्य' का भाव देता है । shall का प्रयोग वादा, धमकी आदि के अर्थ मे Future tense मे I व we को छोड़कर किया जाता है।


(i).My son shall help you in your work. (promise )

(ii).He shall kill you, if you punish me.( threat)


Modals are those auxiliary (helping) verbs which express the ‗mode‘ or ‗manner‘ of the actions indicated by the main verbs. They express modes such as ability, possibility, probability, permission, obligation, etc.

The following are modal auxiliaries:

shall, should, will, would, can, could, may, might, must, ought to, used to, need, dare.

Modals वे सहायक (मदद करने वाली) क्रियाएं हैं जो मुख्य क्रियाओं द्वारा दर्शाई गई क्रियाओं के 'मोड' या 'तरीके' को व्यक्त करती हैं। वे क्षमता, संभावना, संभावना, अनुमति, दायित्व आदि जैसे तरीकों को व्यक्त करते हैं। निम्नलिखित मोडल सहायक हैं: करेगा, कर सकता है, हिम्मत करनी चाहिए

Use of Modal Auxiliaries

(a) Shall and Will

1. „Shall‘ is used with the first person subject (I, we) and ‗will‘, used with all person subject, to express simple future.

2. „Shall‟ with the first person subject, expresses:

Intention e.g. I shall go home today.

Promise e.g. I shall try to do better.

Threat e.g. I shall kill him.

Determination e.g. I shall do or die.

3. (a) „Will‟ with the second & third person subject, expresses:

Order e.g. You will do it just now.

Threat e.g. You will be punished

Promise e.g. You will have a holiday

Determination e.g. You will work for me.

Intention e.g. Will he go with you?

(b) „Would‟ is used to express:

Determination e.g. I would have my way.

Habitual action e.g. he would sit all day with the book in his hand.

Willingness e.g. I would do my best to satisfy you.

Wish e.g. Would that I were healthy.

(c) „Should‟ is used to express:

Duty e.g. we should keep our word.

Advice e.g. you should take rest.‘

After ‗lest ‘e.g. Work hard lest you should fail.

Polite request e.g. Should I help you to solve this problem?

(d) „May‟ is used to express:

Possibility e.g. he may succeed in his work.

Permission e.g. may I come in?

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Wish e.g. may you live long.

Purpose e.g. he works hard so that he may pass.

(e) Can is used to express:

Power/ability e.g. He can swim, He cannot speak English

Permission e.g. You can go now. Can I use your bicycle?

(f) Might (past tense of May) is used to express:

Suggestion e.g. he might join a college.

Possibility e.g. it might rain.

Purpose e.g. he works hard that he might win a scholarship.

(g) Could (past tense of can) express:

Power/ability e.g. he could run fast when he was young.

Polite request e.g. could you please help me?

(h) Must express:

Compulsion e.g. you must carry out my orders.

(i) Ought to:

It is used to denote duty or moral or social obligation. It is used nearly in the same sense as ‗should‘. The verb that follow ought always takes to +V1 form.

For example:

We ought to obey our teachers.

We ought not to speak ill of others.

(j) Need:

It is used in the sense of ‗require‘ or ‗want‘. Need not expresses the idea that there is no compulsion, e.g. You needn‘t leave today, you can leave tomorrow. You needn‘t pay the whole amount in one installment. Need I wait till he comes?

(k) Dare:

It means ‗to have the courage to do something‘.

e.g. he dare not go there.

(l) Used to +V1:

It expresses a habit in the past‘

Used to +V1 e.g. I used to swim when I was young.

I used to live in Mumbai. (Now I live in Delhi).

We used to go to Shimla in winter but now we don‘t.

(m) Has to/Have to:

It expresses ‗some compulsion, obligation or necessity in the present or future tense‘.

Has to/have to +V1e.g. Mohan has to finish his work in time.

I cannot come with you because I have to finish my work in time.

(n) Had to:

It is used to express ‗compulsion, obligation or necessity in the past.‘

The expression ‗had to‘ is the past tense of ‗have to‘

Had to +V1 e.g. yesterday my servant did not come. I had to wash my clothes myself. The enemy had to accept defeat at last.

(o) Will have to:

It is used to express compulsion, obligation or necessity in the future.

The expression ‗will have to‘ is the future tense of ‗have to‘

Will have to +V1e.g. Next week you will have to deposit your fee.

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